Frequently asked questions
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Ordering FAQs
Q1. How do I order primer and adapter aliquots from you?
Ans. Order primers and adapters from our webstore (i.e., our uga eStore).
Q2. How do I order primers from my preferred vendor?
Ans. Go to the Adapterama Protocols page, download the excel file, and forward the information to the oligo vendor of your choice.
Q3. Do you sell the iTru5_8N primer?
Ans. No. It is always cheaper for you to order this directly from the oligo vendor of your choice.
Q4. How much DNA do I need to send?
Ans. It depends on the assay. In general, we are looking for >50 μL of DNA normalized to >20 ng/μL.
Q5. How do I send my samples?
Ans. It depends on what you are sending. DNA can be shipped at ambient temperatures if dissolved in TE or TLE. If your DNA is in water, it's best to ship it in a cooler with blue ice packs.
Q6. Do you have a preferred shipping carrier?
Ans. We use UPS or FedEx, but you can use your favorite carrier.
Q7. What is the shipping address?
Ans. Always confirm with us prior to shipping, but you'll find the shipping address on About Us page, beside the map.
Q8. Can I pay for shipping with my account?
Ans. Yes, if you are shipping with FedEx or UPS. Provide us with your account number & we will use it.
Q9. Can I pay with a credit card?
Ans. Yes, orders through our webstore (uga eStore) accept credit cards, as does the invoice payment system on our webstore.
Q10. When do I pay?
Ans. For primers & adapters: You can either pay with a credit card when you order the primers & adapters on the webstore, or you can send us an order form & a purchase order (PO) from your institution. If you use a PO, we will ship the reagents to you with an invoice. The invoice can be paid on the webstore or your purchasing folks can pay via their normal processes.
For services: After agreeing to the costs & timing of the project (typically via us providing an estimate & you obtaining a PO): for small-scale projects (typically ≤$5k), we will do the work, then invoice you when it's done. For large-scale projects, we typically ask for ~50% of funds up front to get things in place, then we invoice for the balance when the project is complete. We request that invoices are paid within 30 days.
Oligo usage FAQs
Q1. How do I hydrate the iTru primers and adaptors?
Ans. Go to the Protocols or Adapterama Protocols pages and download the appropriate file.
Q2. How are the primers and adaptors arranged in the plates (plate map)?
Ans. Go to the Adapterama Protocols page and download the appropriate plate map(s).
Q3. What concentration should be the iTru primers and adaptors be?
Ans. Go to the Adapterama Protocols page and download the appropriate excel file.
Sequence info FAQs
Q1. What is the iTru5_8N primer sequence?
Ans. Go to the Adapterama Protocols page and download the appropriate excel file. There are many tabs in these files, so please look at the different tabs.
Q2. What are the full sequences for the iTru primers and adaptors?
Ans. Go to the Adapterama Protocols page and download the appropriate excel file. There are many tabs in these files, so please look at the different tabs.
General Differences Between the i5 & i7 indexes
Q1.Do I have to use both i5 and i7 index reads?
Ans. No. Even though the libraries have indexes at both positions, you can use either i5 or i7 or no index reads.
Q2.Are there any differences between the two indexes?
Ans. In most senses, no – they are 8 nucleotides long with an edit distance >3 between/among all. There are, however, differences in orientation (i.e., forward sequence vs. reverse complement) for what is incorporated into the primer or adapter or given on the sample sheet, and keeping track of that orientation is important!
Q3. Are there any differences between the two index reads?
Ans. Yes. Both give you 8 bases of sequence data, however, the i5 index reading primer is not immediately adjacent to the i5 index sequence, so it costs 8 cycles to get to the index sequences (these are “dark cycles” so no read data are collected, but sequencing reagents are used for these cycles; the necessary reagents are included in MiSeq and NextSeq kits for paired end reads, but they are not included in the most economical HiSeq kits).
Q4. Is there an advantage to using one index vs. the other?
Ans. Yes. Because the i7 index reading primer is immediately adjacent to the i7 index, it only costs 8 cycles to get the 8 bases of data (vs. 16 cycles of reagents to get 8 bases of data from i5). Thus, if you are sequencing on HiSeq, especially with high capacity (8 lane) flow cells, it is best to use the i7 index only.
iTru and iNext Library Preparation
Q1.What are the differences between iNext and iTru library preparation
Ans. After polishing the sheared DNA (i.e. making the DNA blunt), iTru library preparations add an adenosine (A) monomer to each 3' end of the polished molecule. The iNext library preparation adds a cytosine (C) monomer to each 3' end of the polished molecule. Following addition of A or C, iTru or iNext specific adapters are ligated to the A/C tailed molecules. Finally, iTru or iNext specific primers are used. You can't mix and match. So, if you add an A to your inserts, you must then use iTru adapters and iTru primers. Alternatively, if you add a C to your inserts, you must then use iNext adapters and iNext primers.
Q2.Do the 5' prime ends of the A/C tailed molecules have phosphate groups attached?
Ans. Yes, the 5' prime ends of the DNA strands opposite the strand with 3' A/C do have phosphate groups (you are adding PNK as part of the polishing step to ensure phosphates on the 5' ends). This allows for ligation of the stubby Y-yoke adapters (ligated product).
Q3. Are the ends of the adapter molecule complementary?
Ans. No, the ends of the adapter molecule (the portion not directly ligated to the sheared DNA) are not complementary, and as such, the top and bottom strand do not anneal (shown as a separated, Y-shaped molecule). These two ends of the adapter have primer binding sites, to which the primers bind during PCR.
Q4. Which primers anneal in the first PCR cycle?
Ans. Only the iTru7 primers anneal in the first PCR cycle. The orientation of the denatured ligation product only allows for the iTru7 primer to anneal to the 3' ends. The iTru5 primer anneals during the second cycle.
Q5. How many cycles are necessary to produce the full length, double indexed libraries?
Ans. Three cycles are necessary to produce the full length, double-indexed library molecules.
Q6. Which portion of the library prepared molecule anneals to the flow cell?
Ans. The P5 and P7 ends anneal to complementary sequences present on the flow cell.
TaggiMatrix (Adapterama II - Amplicon) FAQs
Q1.What is TaggiMatrix?
Ans. It is a simple way to make a matrix of tagged primers for combinatorial tagging of amplicons (or other things) for Next-Generation DNA sequencing.
Q2. Why would I use TaggiMatrix?
Ans. Here are the top reasons to use the TaggiMatrix spreadsheet. The TaggiMatrix spreadsheet makes it super easy to:
1) create fusion primers that then work with iTru or iNext primers so that any PCR product can be sequenced on an Illumina sequencer. So, you don't actually have to have any tags, let alone use them in a matrix.
2) create internal tags to identify each sample within a 96 well plate; ideal for projects with many plates of PCR products to be sequenced.
3) give sequence diversity to libraries of PCR products that will be sequenced on an Illumina – even if you don't have a large number of samples, if you want to maximize the proportion of amplicons on an Illumina run (and minimize the amount of PhiX or other genomic DNA added to ensure sufficient diversity) then using these variable length tags will be helpful.
Q3. Why not just make full-length fusions?
Ans. This would make for super-long primers, which increases costs significantly, makes it harder to optimize the PCRs, and doesn't help you to take advantage of iTru or iNext primers that can be used for many projects (TaggiMatrix or otherwise).
Q4. Should you always get all 8+12 flavors of the primers?
Ans. No. You should only get as many you need for your project, but with an eye toward future likely use of those primers.
Q5. Where does the name TaggiMatrix come from?
Ans. It is short for Tagging Matrix (minus the underlined characters).
Q6. That's kind of a lame name. Is that really the best you could do?
Ans. Apparently. We actually used several different names at different times [e.g., TaggiNator (turned out to be a trade-marked graffiti removal system); TaggiNatrix (TaggiNgmatrix minus the underlined characters – many people really liked this & the potential for funny and off-color tag-lines was awesome, but it was potentially offensive so we had to let it go, let it go…)]. Other suggestions such as sTAGger and gutenTAG are probably better, but seemed too hard to google.
Q1. Why are you using so many types of RADseq/GBS?
Ans. We want to do lots of different things. Each flavor has specific circumstances when it is the best option.
Q2. Why do you have adapters in sets of 4, 8, or 12?
Ans. Illumina sequencers require base diversity at each base position to work correctly. We have designed the adapters to be well-balanced when used in sets of 4 (or multiples thereof).
Q3. Can I just purchase &/or use just one adapter?
Ans. No, not unless you: 1) mix in genomic libraries (e.g., PhiX) as a large fraction of the run (the genomic libraries create diversity in your run that is normally created by using the adapters in sets of 4) or 2) want to waste a lot of money & time. If you use only one adapter on either end & don't have anything else in your lane to create a reasonable amount of diversity, then the sequencing of that end will completely fail.
Q4. I just want to do a few samples, and I want to use a MiSeq. What should I do?
Ans. There are several options :
1) Combine your samples with other things to create base diversity.
2) Purchase 4 adapters (for each end), list your adapters on a 4x4 matrix and then do your ligations with adapters pairs on the diagonals; as few as 4 samples creates full adapter diversity with this approach.
3) Make a pool of the >4 adapters (for each end) and rely upon unique i7 &/or i5 combinations for sample tagging.
Q5. I plan to use the i5 & i7 indexes to demultiplex all of my samples. Do I still have to use more than one adapter or mix in a genomic library?
Ans. YES (again, unless you like to waste time & money on things that are sure to fail). You need to either use multiple adapters, or mix in genomic libraries, or both. WE DO BOTH!
Q1. What is 3RAD?
Ans. 3RAD is a variant of dual-digest RADseq that uses 3 restriction enzymes, and makes use of simultaneous restriction digestion & ligation to efficiently add the adapters onto each piece of DNA with compatible ends.
Q2. What combination of enzymes should I use?
Ans. The only way to know is to determine it empirically via in silico testing (if you have a genome sequence) or in the lab (if you don't have a genome sequence). In practice, about 75% of taxa we try work well with design 1, and most the rest work OK with design 2. It is unusual to have to use other adapter designs (≤5% of projects we have done in the past ~ 5 years).
Q3. What are the advantages of 3RAD?
Ans. The main advantages of 3RAD include:
1) An easy lab protocol with fewer steps.
2) You need fewer oligos to make many combinations.
3) You can pool 96 ligations together prior to doing any other manipulations.
4) By using multiple adapters, each with varying length tags, base diversity is created within your library pools.
5) These are quite efficient at getting linkers on the DNA. We have used as little as 0.05 ng of DNA as input (though we do NOT recommend using that little unless you modify the standard protocol and/or are OK with a random subsample of potential loci).
6) You can use molecular identifiers to identify and remove PCR duplicates (see Hoffberg et al. 2016 for details).
Q4. What are the disadvantages of 3RAD?
Ans. The main disadvantages of 3RAD include:
1) You get a variety of simple and complex products you don't want. Often, these are only a minor fraction of the reads, but sometimes they are a substantial fraction.
2) It is more expensive to use the 3rd enzyme (i.e., the 3rd restriction enzyme costs money).
The bottom line is that if you have plenty of input DNA, it is better to skip the 3rd enzyme. If your input DNA is sketch, then include it. We have not done both (skipping & using the 3rd enzyme within a project -- we either always use it or skip it for all samples).
Q5. What is the point of having the 3rd enzyme?
Ans. The third enzyme allows for read1 adapter dimers to be recut. This facilitates more product when input DNA is limited.
Q6. Do I have to use the 3rd enzyme?
Ans. No. You can skip the 3rd enzyme, which will make your life easier in several ways, but the disadvantage is that you can't get away with using only a tiny amount of template DNA. We have done some testing without the 3rd enzyme, and it works in practice (see 2RAD), but to date, we have more experience using the 3rd enzyme.
Q7. How do I demultiplex my data by internal barcodes?
Ans. Please see our Adapterama III manuscript for details. A link to the most recent version is on the Adapterama Publications page.
Q8. Why don't you worry about read2 adapters forming dimers
Ans. The read2 adapters are not phosphorylated, so they cannot self-ligate.
Q9. Why do you have dummy oligos on each adapter?
Ans. The dummy oligos make a double-stranded adapter that can be ligated with T4 DNA ligase. We only want a single strand of template to be formed, the other strand is discarded.
Q10. Why do you generate libraries from only a single strand of the template DNA?
Ans. The tricks we are using to get everything in the gamish to all work correctly simultaneously will not work if we try to make use of both strands. So, we are sacrificing one strand to gain efficiency in ligating onto the other strand.
Q11. At what cycle is the full PCR product generated?
Ans. The full PCR product is generated following the third cycle (there is a supplemental figure in the Adapterama III manuscript that shows this; you can also see this in on the Adapterama III video on YouTube).
Q12. Do both adapters (read1 and read2 ends) have phosphate groups at the 5' end?
Ans. No, only the Read1 adapter (illustrated on the left side) has a phosphate group at the 5' end.
Q1.What is 2RAD?
Ans. 2RAD is a variant of dual-digest RADseq that uses 2 restriction enzymes, and makes use of simultaneous restriction digestion & ligation to efficiently add the adapters onto each piece of DNA with compatible ends.
Q2. Why don't you alway just use 2RAD?
Ans. Using 3RAD minus the 3rd enzyme is fine when you have enough DNA. In 2012, we developed a fancy/expensive version of 2RAD that worked well when initially performed, but the specific base-modifications we used at that time did not seem to have good longevity, even in the freezer. Thus, we are OK with 2RAD when using the 3RAD adapters, but we don't recommend the old fancy 2RAD adapters.
Q3. Didn't you try making specific 2RAD adapters again in early 2018?
Ans. Yes, we tried a couple of new wrinkles with approaches that are cheaper than the fancy 2RADs, and should hold up better. It is clear that they work, but they don't appear to be consistently significantly better than the 3RAD adapters when used in actual experiments. So, for those wishing to do 2RAD, we currently recommend simply using the 3RAD adapters, but leaving out the 3rd enzyme.
Q1. What is RADcap?
Ans. RADcap is a variant of dual-digest RADseq that uses 3RAD libraries, then biotinylated baits are used to capture known loci, rather than using size-selection. See Hoffberg et al. 2016.
Q3. What are the advantages of RADcap?
Ans. The main advantages of RADcap include:
1) MUCH more consistency in what loci are genotyped (i.e., less missing data)
2) Lower cost (usually; you are trading sequencing cost for capture cost).
3) It is possible to process many plates of DNA into libraries quickly (e.g., 10 plates of 96 per week).
4) The molecular identifiers allow decloning, thus a variety of SNP-calling software packages can be used.
Q4. What are the disadvantages of RADcap?
Ans. The main disadvantages of RADcap include:
1) You have to do an initial 3RAD experiment to identify loci that will be used to make the baits and genotype.
2) It takes a long time! Although it is possible to create RADcap libraries for about 10 plates of DNA in about a week, it takes several to many months to get to that point!
3) If you don't have anyone to split the cost of bait synthesis, then the buy-in cost of the baits is substantial (and you need a big project to make it economical).
The bottom line is that if you have a lot of samples to genotype for a modest number of loci, and plenty of lead time, then RADcap is perfect. If you are in a hurry, have fewer than a few hundred samples, or need more than several thousand loci, then RADcap is not likely to be your best option.
Q1.What is M-RAD?
Ans. Multi-RAD is a variant of RADseq where we add additional enzymes to the standard 3RAD approach.
Q2. Why would anyone use M-RAD?
Ans. If you want to efficiently reduce the number of loci being surveyed relative to 3RAD or any other dual-digest RADseq approach.
Q3. What are the advantages of M-RAD?
Ans. It should give a more repeatable small fraction of the genome than other approaches. For example, you might try taking a very small size-range from a dual-digest library preparation (3RAD or ddRAD or whatever), but this makes it difficult to get the same loci from all (or even most) samples. If you take a larger size-range, but reduce the number of loci within that range, that is easier to do consistently among samples (part of why RADcap works so well).
Q4. If you want to reduce the number of loci, why don't you just use less-frequent-cutting enzymes for 3RAD?
Ans. Although that is a straightforward alternative (and 3RAD is designed so a great number of enzyme combinations are feasible), in practice it is easier to add enzymes to 3RAD (thus converting 3RAD to M-RAD) than to fiddle with a bunch of different pairs of enzymes. It is also cheaper, because you have fewer enzymes to keep on hand & you can focus on using the cheapest possible enzymes. Finally, you can analyze the data you obtain from an initial 3RAD run to determine what additional enzymes you need to add to get to your target number of loci – so there is less guess work.
Q1.What is B-RAD?
Ans. Blunt-RADseq. B-RAD uses a single restriction enzyme and a single adapter (the same adapter is added to both ends of each piece of DNA).
Q2. When would you use B-RAD?
Ans. When you need a significant portion of the genome turned into a library where the ends are at consistent locations.
Q3. Why don't other people use B-RAD?
Ans. If you use a frequent cutting enzyme, then this does a poor job of making a library that is a small fraction of the genome (i.e., this makes a large representation library not a reduced representation library). So, it isn't accomplishing what most people want from a RADseq library.
Q4. Where did the idea for B-RAD adapters come from?
Ans. The general approach has been around for decades. TCG developed superSNX in the late 1990's, which derives from adapters that were developed years earlier. Our B-RADs are descendants of superSNX (sons of superSNX's, so to speak).