Funded research
Selected Previous Research Awards (grants)
Active Contracts and Grants
CAPE: Center for Applied Epidemiology. Pathogen Genomics Center of Excellence. Centers for Disease Control ® Georgia Department of Public Health. Tonia Parrott (GA DPH), Justin Bahl (UGA), et al. CDC #not yet available. 10/2022-09/2027. (~$125k direct/yr. to TCG lab). Role – Key Personnel.
Capturing the genomic variation present in Cryptosporidium and cryptosporidiosis. National Institutes of Health. J. Kissinger (UGA), T. Glenn (UGA), A. Kahn (NIH à USDA), and M. Grigg (NIH). 1R01AI148667-01A1 08/2020 – 07/2025. $1,841,678. ($559,248 direct to TCG lab). Role – MPI.
Current Service Center Funding
The EHS DNA lab genotyping and marker development services are available to collaborators and the scientific community on a cost-reimbursement basis.
Previous Research Awards (while at UGA-EHS)
Next-Generation DNA sequencing training for biomedical researchers in Alaska. Subcontract of Alaska INBRE4: One Health, NIH 3P20 GM103395 (PI Barnes). T. Glenn and B. Faircloth. 08/2019 – 07/2024. $180,000. Role: PI of the bioinformatics training subcontract.
Community scaled viral sequence analysis and phylodynamics of SARS CoV 2 using wastewater-based informatics. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Erin Lipp (UGA), T. Glenn (UGA), J. Bahl (UGA), S. Sanchez (UGA), and N. Cleveland (GA Dept. Public Health). CDC 75D30121C11163. 06/2021 – 06/2024. $949,898. ($244,345 direct to TCG lab). Role – co-PI.
Collaborative Research: Enhancers and the convergent evolution of limb reduction in squamates. National Science Foundation. C. Infante (UAZ), B. Faircloth (LSU), D. Menke (UGA), and T. Glenn (UGA). IOS 1754950 07/2018 – 07/2023. $1,263,668 ($118,007 to TCG lab). Role – co-PI.
Prevalence of and risk factors for community-associated carriage of antimicrobial resistant Enterobacteriaceae and antimicrobial resistance genes. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. E. Ottesen, T. Glenn, A. Handel, E. Lipp, and M. Welton. 09/20 – 08/22. CDC 75D30120C09496. $699,118 ($125,894 direct to TCG lab). Role – co-investigator.
Direct genome-wide detection of carcinogen induced alkyl DNA adducts by Single Molecule Real Time Sequencing. National Institutes of Health. W. Czaja, T. Glenn, and C. Bergman. 1R21ES02854901A1 06/2018 – 05/2022. $412,500 ($68,796 direct costs, $103,194 total to TCG lab). Role – co-investigator (PI of UGA subaward).
Next-Generation DNA sequencing training for biomedical researchers in Alaska. Subcontract of Alaska INBRE4: One Health, NIH P20 GM103395. T. Glenn, N. Bayona-Vasquez, and B. Faircloth. 04/2021 – 07/2021. $60,000. Role: PI of the bioinformatics training subcontract.
New approaches to improve the efficiency, sensitivity, specificity and standardization of sampling, DNA isolation, shotgun library preparation, and microbiome DNA enrichment and analysis in healthcare settings. T. Glenn, D. Green, S. Sanchez. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 75D30118C02889. 9/30/18 – 03/31/20. $509,880. [$351,253 direct] Role- PI.
Functional interactions between the gut microbiome and arsenic exposure. National Institutes of Health, K. Lu (PI; UNC), T. Glenn (UGA), and R. Fry (UNC). NIH – R01 ES024950. 05/2015 – 11/2019. $2,281,375. Role – co-investigator (PI of UGA subaward)
Next-Generation DNA sequencing training for biomedical researchers in Alaska. Subcontract of Alaska INBRE3: Environmental Agents and Disease, NIH P20 GM103395. T. Glenn, K. Winker, and B. Faircloth. 05/2015 – 05/2019. $189,000. Role: PI of the bioinformatics training subcontract.
Dimensions: Testing the potential of pathogenic fungi to control the diversity, distribution, and abundance of tree species in a neotropical forest community. National Science Foundation. S. Hubbell, B. Faircloth, G. Gilbert, M. Saunders, and T. Glenn. DEB-1136626, 03/2012 – 09/2018. $1,941,923. Role – Co-PI (PI of UGA subaward)
Characterization of antimicrobial resistance in the poultry production environment. USDA ARS 58-6040-7-026, T. Glenn. 08/2017 – 09/2018. $22,000. Role – PI.
Ultraconserved elements of fish and snakes. Southeastern Louisiana University. T. Glenn. -3/15/17 – 05/14/18. $22,289.40. Role - PI
Development of a Next Generation Sequencing Assay for Detecting and Genotyping Tick-borne Disease Pathogens. Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation. A. Schotthoefer, T. Fritsche, J. Meece, S. Shukla, T. Glenn, B. Faircloth. 11/2014 – 10/2017. $50,000. Role – Co-PI (PI of UGA subaward).
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Genotyping. Departamento de Acuicultura, CICESE, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. T. Glenn. 11/10/16 – 07/10/17. $15,000. Role – PI.
Mitochondrial DNA, Microsatellite Loci and SNPs from Seriola ialandi. CICESE, Baja California, Mexico. T. Glenn. 11/31/16 – 11/10/17. $12,000. Role – PI.
Mitochondrial DNA, Microsatellite Loci and SNPs from Seriola rivoliana. CIBNOR, La Paz, Baja California, Mexico. T. Glenn. 11/15/16 – 11/10/17. $13,250. Role – PI.
EAGER Collaborative Research: Using ultraconserved elements (UCEs) as genomic markers to study shallow levels of evolutionary divergence. National Science Foundation, DEB-1242241. T. Glenn. 06/15/2012 – 06/14/2014. $15,670 to UGA ($42,830 total of collaborative research with K. Winker and B. Faircloth). Role – UGA PI.
Building the Framework of Biodiversity Science: Next Generation Phylogenomics. Smithsonian Institution Grand Challenge Awards. M. Braun, K. Wurdack, W. Wcislo, J. Maldonado, K. Helgen, S. Brady, M. Cummings, T. Glenn, B. Faircloth, R. Brumfield, E. Braun, J. McCormack, N. Crawford, N. White. $100,000. 01/2012 – 07/2014. Role – Co-PI.
PIRE: Genetics of invasive species exchanged between the Southeastern U.S. and China, Taiwan & Hong Kong. National Science Foundation (OISE-0730218) R. Mauricio, K. Myhre, T. Glenn, R. Walcott. Role – Co-PI. $1,499,772, 2009 – 08/2014 (total project $2,498,016, 09/2007 – 08/2014)
The crocodilian triumvirate: a genome draft for the Indian Gharial. Ray, Green, Glenn, McCarthy, Schmidt, Peterson, Densmore, Brochu, Braun, Pollock, Jarvis, Hoffmann, Sawyer, Gongora, Abzhanov. National Science Foundation. MCB-052500. $40k. Role: Senior Personnel.
Schistosoma haematobium genome sequencing to develop DNA markers in support of the SCORE program. SCORE program (funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation). PI - T. C. Glenn $15,820, 12/2008 – 12/2013.
Phylogenetic utility of ultra-conserved elements for the avian tree of life. Smithsonian Next Generation Sequencing Small Grants Program. M. Braun, N. White, T. Glenn, B. Faircloth, R. Brumfield, E. Braun, J. McCormack, N. Crawford. 10/2011 – 06/2013. $10,000. Role – Co-PI.
Species tree prediction in the cloud. Amazon Web Services in Education Research Grant. NG Crawford, BC Faircloth, TC Glenn. 2010. $7,500.
Previous Research Awards (while at UGA-EHS, initiated at UGA-SREL)
Effects of Low Dose Radiation on Gene Expression in Medaka Fish. US Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute Laboratory Sequencing Program. TC Glenn, OV Tsyusko, TG Hinton, D Grigoriev, OV Moskalenko, and J Zimbrick. 90,000 ESTs and >1,200,000 454 sequences approved. June 07- Sept 10.
Collaborative Research: The Evolution of Heterostylous Breeding Systems in Populations of Oxalis alpina in the Sky Islands of the United States and Mexico. National Science Foundation (DEB 0614208 – Pop & Evol cluster), PI - T. C. Glenn (O. Tsyusko added as co-PI after award), $140,363, 10/06 – 08/11, in collaboration with S. Weller & A. Sakai, separately funded for $357,920
The bioavailability, toxicity, and trophic transfer of manufactured ZnO nanoparticles: a view from the bottom. USEPA-NCER and NSF-NIOSH Nanotechnology Research Grants Investigating Environmental and Human Health Effects of Manufactured Nanomaterials B. Jackson, A. Neal, T. Glenn, P. Williams, and P. Bertsch. $363,380. 10/05 – 02/09.
Genetic Effects of Radiation Exposure on Amphibian Populations from Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation, Cooperative Grants Program. ~$59,000 ($7,500 to US collaborators). M. Bondarkov, O. Tsyusko, & T. C. Glenn. (T Glenn = PI on US portion of grant, linked to Ukrainian project but funds administered separately). 09/07-09/09.
Gene Expression Resources for Peromyscus. US Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute Laboratory Sequencing Program. T Glenn, G Szalai, J Glenn, M Felder, et al. 100,000 ESTs approved. June 07- Dec. 08. 2 Million additional ESTs approved – June 08 – May 09.
Transgenerational Effects of Chronic Low-Dose Irradiation in a Medaka Fish Model System, U.S. Dept. of Energy Low Dose Program. JD Zimbrick, TG Hinton, TC Glenn, H. Mitani, R Ullrich, J Bedford, and M Weil. $1,033,705.00 total Direct Costs, $365,846 UGA subcontract, 8/05 – 12/08.
Development of Peromyscus (Deer Mouse) Genomics. National Institutes of Health. MJ Dewey, TC Glenn, R Bullard-Dillard, and J Chen. $1,180,000, UGA subcontract PI $399,563. 8/1/04-7/30/08.
Bioavailability of Metals in Two Former Ash Settling Basins from Coal-fired Power Plants: Capping vs. Natural Attenuation. Georgia Power. PL Williams, B Jackson, C Jagoe, and T Glenn. $300,000, 01/05 – 12/07.
Selected Previous Research Awards (while at UGA-SREL)
The role of metal contamination in the proliferation of antibiotic resistance in coastal water-borne pathogens. NOAA – Oceans and Human Health Program, R Stepanauskus, JV McArthur, TC Glenn, CH Jagoe, ME Frischer JA Gooch, and C Tuckfield. $534,311, 10/04 – 9/07.
Species Identification and Conservation Genetics of Moxostoma robustum : Molecular Genetic Protocol Development and Application. Georgia Power Co. C.J. Nairn & T. C. Glenn. $48,970. 3/06 – 02/07.
DNA research to support management of American alligators in Louisiana. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Fur and Refuge Division, TC Glenn (PI). $30,000. 7/1/03-6/30/06.
Peromyscus Laboratory Models for Biomedical Research. National Institutes of Health, MJ Dewey, W Dawson, and T Glenn. $541,875, 7/02 – 6/05, renewed through 04/06.
BAC Library Resource Proposal – Peromyscus maniculatus. National Institutes of Health, MJ Dewey and TC Glenn. Assigned High Priority, 9/03, BAC Library - CHORI-233.
Use of the Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) as a biological indicator for chemical pollution of South Carolina estuaries. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – T Glenn and SJ Hauswaldt $49,500, 6/01 – 9/04.
The Peromyscus Genome Project: Development of a Core Research Group. South Carolina Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network- Collaborative Research Program, MJ Dewey, R Bullard-Dillard, and T Glenn. $75,000, 5/03 – 8/04.
Developing a cDNA Library for American Alligators. University of Georgia Research Foundation, Faculty Research Grant. TC Glenn $7,128. 1/03 – 1/04.
A quantitative approach to risk assessment: analysis of genetic changes in organisms inhabiting contaminated environments. PI - R. Sawyer, Department of Energy - $228,387, 1997 – 2002.
Development of Bioindicators of Environmental Mutagens. South Carolina Commission on Higher Education. PI - Beth Krizek, Co-investigators – T. Glenn. & C. Jagoe. $85,010 funded. Jan. 2000 – June 2001.
Investigation of Sandhill Crane subspecies. Texas A&M Kingsville - $16,500. 1997-2001. T. Glenn PI
Development of a Bioindicator of Environmental Mutagens. University of South Carolina - Carolina Venture Fund. With B. Krizek as P.I. $9,000. May 1999 - August 2000.